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A smart connector to the land register
To help you automate, streamline, speed up and cut the cost of all processes relating to communication with the land register.

How KNBox works

KNBox is a clear and intuitive user interface that offers many options for communication with the land register. For example, remote access, applications for entry and viewing data in the land register. The system also includes use of the land registerโ€™s notification service and an API interface for automating communication with the land register.
Clear records
Thanks to clear records, you can easily search documents.
Data and printouts are in the same format as those offered by the land register, which means a significant saving on costs.
KNBox can be easily connected to our data box connector or to your internal systems.

Benefits of KNBox

A smart, interactive application for filling in tax returns online.

Save time and costs

Atomation and electronic extraction of data from the land register saves time and costs.

Clear records

Maintain order and eliminate human error.

Automation and digitisation

Automation of the whole process of communication with the land register.

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Useful functions

User interface and easy monitoring of changes Data is displayed clearly and intuitively in KNBox. Tracking changes in the property portfolio allows you to capture changes in ownership, for example, check the status of proceedings currently underway and process them automatically.

Automatic preparation of contracts KNBox extracts data about properties electronically and uses it to prepare contractual documents and applications for entry in the land register.

Printouts and clear reports Clear reports and printouts enable cost planning for specific users or departments.

Regular updates We regularly update KNBox in response to changes issued by the land register.

StringData in figures

10 of the 10 largest Czech and Slovak banks are our clients. Over 1,000 projects delivered, with the largest equal to over 10,000 MDs.
years on the market
We are constantly developing our skills and expertise
Clients rely on us long-term
satisfied clients
We understand our customers and their needs

Case studies

Examples of the implementation and use of our solutions in practice.

Save time and money by automating land register data.

Get in touch with us! We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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