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Digitise communication with the insolvency register

How ISIRBox works

Software for retrieving and processing information from the insolvency register. An optimal solution for companies that want to effectively monitor portfolios of clients at risk of insolvency or monitor active insolvency proceedings.
Clear structuring
You can clearly structure information in the ISIRBox system using filters.
You can also automatically pair monitored entities with insolvency proceedings.
Data from the insolvency register can be saved and used in other information systems.
Automate the registration of claims in insolvency proceedings.

Benefits of ISIRBox

Digitise communication with the insolvency register.

Save time and costs

Minimise the risks and financial damage of poorly set up processes. Optimise costs for checking and processing information from the insolvency register.

Clear records

Maintain order and eliminate human error in communication with the insolvency register.

Automation and digitisation

Automate the registration of claims in insolvency proceedings.

Quick and easy commissioning

We will get ISIRBox up and running and connected to your systems in a few months as standard.

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Useful functions

The Central Distraint Register (CDR) is a public register maintained, operated and administered by the Chamber of Executors of the Czech Republic. Data from this register can be processed and uploaded to the ISIRBox system.
The related party tracking system is a third-party service providing analyses of groups economically related to the bankโ€™s primary entities. Data from this system can be processed and uploaded to the ISIRBox system.

Are you interested in simplifying communication and saving time?

Get in touch with us! We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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