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Daňovka streamlines internal processes at

3. 2. 2022
Case studies
Saves of time for the client
7 dnů
Implementation of Daňovka
fully processed annual accounts

Employee income tax returns are prepared once a year. In practice, this means a short but challenging period, which places much greater demands on accountants and employees and increases error rates. Many payroll accountants dream of introducing automation for processing administrative operations relating to taxes. We tried to make one of these dreams come true with our Daňovka application in cooperation with is one of the fastest growing companies in the world, making travel easier for millions of customers.

What problems did we address?

Signing a taxpayer’s declaration, better known as the income tax return or “pink form”, determines how the employee is taxed by the employer.

This short, but specific time of the year brings many complications. works with the external outsourcing company, Contract Administration, for processing payroll operations, which includes the delivery of documents. These administrative operations pose many problems relating to the inconclusive delivery of documents, lengthy tracking of paper declarations and other related documents on the part of the provider and the client. employs 1,000 people. Administrative operations processing annual accounts take place during one period of the year, which runs parallel to other day-to-day work. Unfortunately, there’s no room at the company to keep detailed records of submitted documents, so problems relating to this began to grow.

Which solution did we choose?

The payroll provider had the opportunity to see StringData’s presentation. They liked it so much that they introduced their colleagues at to Daňovka and it didn’t take long for a request for its implementation to be made.

The deployment of Daňovka was quick and relatively easy. now uses all the functionalities offered by Daňovka, including bulk emailing and step locking.

How did the project go?

The client employs around 1,000 end-users of Daňovka for whom the company processes annual accounts. Half of these are foreigners who require a higher level of support.  The option of help in Daňovka has reduced the time spent by the client advising its employees by up to half.

In addition to saving time, Daňovka offered another major advantage in the form of the option of remote processing, without the need for employees to be physically present at the workplace. 

The financial savings were not that impressive. However, the invaluable benefit lies in the improved quality and efficiency of the process. It has significantly improved transparency and simplified processes for employees who are not physically located in the Czech Republic. In the past, this took a lot of time and required cooperation between a number of people.

Now, only one person is required to perform these administrative operations full time. Previously, the payroll provider would come to the company for 10 days. Two people were present on the client’s premises for ten days taking part in meetings, receiving documents and providing consultation. and StringData continue to work together on the implementation of the client’s individual requirements, such as division into Tax Returns and Annual Accounts.

Who was involved in the project?

The StringData One Team worked on the project in close cooperation with representatives of the payroll department.

The implementation of Daňovka took a total of 7 days.

“The period of employee tax returns is extremely demanding for us every year. Thanks to the digitisation and automation of documents, Daňovka has helped us significantly with proof of submission, archiving documents and reducing the overall processing time. Approximately 50% of our employees are foreigners, who have benefited greatly from the intuitive interactive help/guide and the ability to fill out the whole form online. Daňovka also significantly improved internal processes in the form of remote processing. The need to physically come to the company and process documents on site was eliminated.”

Nina Rosenbachová
Payroll Lead

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