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Daňovka for Prague Airport

4. 10. 2022
Case studies
2 months
Project Lenght
Employees currently use Daňovka


The pink employee tax return form is processed once a year. And it represents a very challenging period for the payroll department. Digitisation and automation of processing annual employee tax statements and monthly tax credits offer many benefits to employees and payroll accountants.

Even before the COVID pandemic, a big problem at Prague Airport was the fact that employees had to spend a long time every year queuing outside the payroll accountant’s door to fill in their annual tax statements.

After this operation was automated using the smart application Daňovka by StringData. And these queues have been significantly shortened and completely eliminated for certain types of employees. Nearly 2,000 employees use Daňovka at Prague Airport and we plan to expand this to include another 1,500.

Implementation of Daňovka in 2019 really did pay off

Processing of annual employee tax statements is an operation relating to the period of the first quarter of each year. Whereas the whole operation takes place in parallel with the regular work of these employees. Unfortunately, there is often no time or space left to handle this operation. And as the volume grows, so do problems keeping records. In 2020, the need to complete tax statements in a contactless manner was also added to this as some staff had switched over to working from home.

Prague Airport appreciated Daňovka in particular during the COVID pandemic. From the point of view of avoidance of the risk of infection. And the possibility of performing all of the operations associated with monthly tax credits and annual tax statements from home.

Electronic signature of tax statements has therefore really saved a lot of time for employees and payroll staff. Digitisation and automation have eliminated the previously necessary meetings with employees and eliminated time-consuming explanations and long queues. Thanks to Daňovka, all of the paperwork is handled electronically.

Deployment of Daňovka was quick and relatively simple.

Daňovka by StringData won the tender at Prague Airport. And subsequent digitisation of operations associated with monthly tax credits and annual tax statements was very quick. It essentially took only three people to manage the entire installation and support for the launch. Two people from the ICT Department at Prague Airport and one providing installation support on behalf of StringData, another colleague then handled transfers from/to SAP. The chief payroll accountant then dealt with education and training in her team, and then participation by employees in the first wave.

Transition to Daňovka in Prague Airport was simple and problem-free.

Prague Airport now uses all of the Daňovka modules, including the Taxpayer module and the Annual tax statement module, as well as annual upgrades. The volume of employee tax statements in 2019 was approximately 1,200. It is currently just under 2,000 and further expansion to include a further 1,500 employees is planned. Prague Airport also plans to launch the mobile version of Daňovka which is currently being prepared.

How did the Project go?

Apart from digitisation of all documents and time savings, Daňovka has brought with it a significant advantage in the form of the possibility of remote processing of employee tax statements from home and from kiosks for operational employees. Previously, the entire payroll department had to work in face-to-face meetings during the months of January and February, taking receipt of documents and providing consultation. Today, these operations are handled by the team in a shorter period of time, eliminating long queues and the need for manual filing in of forms.

An invaluable benefit also lies in digitisation of the entire process, improving its quality and efficiency. It has significantly improved transparency and simplified processes for staff working from home. Daňovka is accessible 24 hours a day wherever you happen to be.

As another area of digitisation, Prague Airport is considering the involvement of IDBox. Use of BankID would make it possible for even those employees who do not have internal access to log in to Daňovka.

"The goal of Prague Airport was to digitise operations associated with monthly tax credits and annual employee tax statements. We chose StringData and the Daňovka application for this project. Every year, about 2,000 employees fill in their annual tax statements electronically in Daňovka and we plan to expand this to include about 1,500 more.

We can no longer now imagine filling out the pink forms manually as we used to. Daňovka has helped us significantly by digitising and automating the entire process. Filling out the entire form online is quick, easy and keeps all the documents well organised.

Daňovka allows for processing of employee tax statements by remote, for example by people working from home or outside working hours. Previously, the entire payroll department had to work in face-to-face meetings during the months of January and February, taking receipt of documents and providing consultation. Today, these operations are handled by the team in a shorter period of time, eliminating long queues and the need for manual filling in of forms."

Miloš Juna
Head of the SAP Support Team at Prague Airport

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